Events & Information
March 17-24, 2025 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW). This annual health observance inspires dialogue about the science of drug use and addiction among youth. Iroquois High School will have tables available during students lunches, this week, that will provide community resources and information regarding substance use. There is help available if you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol use. Please contact the national helpline 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
#PYDONEFAMILY will participate in the July 4th parade this year. Please join us on Main Street at 2pm.
Every Thursday, during the students' tutorial period a group of students chosen by guidance and faculty meet to address Positive Youth Development (PYD) among Iroquois School District (ISD) and the broader community. These students additionally serve as the youth sector representatives for our coalition.
On May 3rd, 2023, the students from EPIC Outreach and TRU participated in a Virtual “Day at the Capitol” field trip! They were part of a days worth of activities and webinars discussing the dangers of teen tobacco and vape use, hearing from PA State legislators, American Lung association representatives, and teen advocates to educate PA residents on the dangers of these substances! The teams have many new ideas to implement into our district to keep our community safe!
EPIC Dodgeball Tournament
In May 2024, EPIC will be holding a “Knock Out Drugs” Dodgeball Tournament. Students at Iroquois Junior/Senior High are registering teams to participate in the event. Last year, eight teams registered. We had over 100 spectators and several local vendors that came out to support our drug free event. Join us this year on Thursday,May 2 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Iroquois High School for this fun event.
Red Ribbon Week
From October 23rd – 30th, PYD Youth hosted spirit week, posted daily announcements, and held a door decorating contest for Red Ribbon Week. Winners of the door decorating contest received a goodie bag filled with drug free swag items. Additionally, EPIC Outreach youth traveled to Iroquois Elementary to perform drug free puppet shows on October 22nd. These shows highlighted the difference between medicine and candy and helped students identify trustworthy adults in their lives.
Homecoming Bonfire
On September 15th, we gathered near the football field to wish our Braves luck during Homecoming week. This event was a great prosocial activity for our community and was very well attended! Our #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition provided yard games during the bonfire. Special thanks to our business sector representatives at AMERICO Federal Credit Union for donating all of the food for this event!
PYD Meet & Greet
On August 17th, PYD Youth held their first annual Meet and Greet in place of their Learn to Lead Academy. Incoming 7th grade students and students who were new to the district were invited to come for games, refreshments, and a student panel of older peers. We had a lot of fun!
Popluck Fundraiser
From June 1-15th, we partnered with Popluck Popcorn for our annual sustainability fundraiser! We were able to raise over $300 for future prevention efforts. Thank you to all who participated!
TRU Advocacy Video Challenge
On May 27th, students of the PYD Youth had the opportunity to use what they learned during #DATC2021. They recorded a brief video for lawmakers stressing the importance of prevention work. Visit our Facebook to see the video!
TRU Day at the Capitol
On May 4th, members of the PYD Youth took part in #DATC2021 through the Tobacco Resistance Unit. They discussed the dangers of tobacco products, advocated for prevention, and connected with leaders across the state who share our mission. Later in June, we were thrilled to hear that the House and Senate followed our recommendation to maintain prevention funding in the budget for the 21/22 fiscal year.
Prescription Take Back Day
On April 24th, volunteers from our coalition including school personnel, healthcare representatives, and law enforcement partnered to collect any unused or unwanted medications from our community. We were able to collect 38 lbs of medications and keep them out of the hands of our youth.
4th Annual (Virtual) Zombie Run
From October 24th-30th, our ISD Community was challenged to complete their one mile walk/run anywhere, at any time to show their drug free spirit. We set out with a goal of 100 miles and were amazed to reach a total of 308 miles! We are proud to scare drugs out of our community!
DEA Prescription Take Back Day
On October 24th, volunteers from our coalition including school personnel, healthcare representatives, and law enforcement partnered to collect any unused or unwanted medications from our community. We were able to collect 16.5 lbs of medications and keep them out of the hands of our youth.
Prosocial Norms Campaign
From April-May, our youth sector published four community billboards which targeted alcohol, marijuana, prescription medication, and e-cigarette abuse. All data came directly from our 2017 PAYS and supported the fact that substance abuse is NOT the norm in our district! For pictures, please visit our facebook page @PYDONEFAMILY.
Family Yoga Night
On February 13th, we hosted our first Family Yoga Night to promote methods of positive coping among our families. Michelle Bielanin led the session. We will continue to host sessions once a month—We would love to have you join us!
Meals Matter
On Wednesday, November 20th we hosted our first Meals Matter event! Nearly 60 people joined us for a night of free family fun. Volunteers of our coalition and youth council prepared and served dinner, followed by a discussion lead by Jessica Barr, and the event concluded with a family game night. Thank you to our sponsors: The ISD Foundation, Erie County Drug & Alcohol Coalition, and Wegmans. Thank you to our volunteers. But most of all THANK YOU to the families who took time to invest in our youth. We know that family and community connections are a huge protective factor, but they take time and commitment to build!
Vaping Education Assembly
In recognition of Red Ribbon Week and National Lung Day, Iroquois High School welcomed Mr. Joe Disanto from Erie County Tobacco Resistance Unit (TRU) on October 23rd. Drawing attention to the fact that this epidemic has directly impacted our community, Mr. Disanto discussed the dangers of vaping and shared ways that students can take a stance against Big Tobacco.
Third Annual Zombie Run
On October 19th, our coalition hosted the Third Annual Zombie Run at Iroquois Elementary School to kickoff Red Ribbon Week. There were zombies of all sizes scaring drugs out of the community! A special thank you to our volunteers, vendors and youth council who gave graciously of their time and talents!
EPIC Training
On October 3rd, students of our EPIC Outreach group participated in a three-hour training which will give them the building blocks to serve our community this year. Ms. Theresa Laird educated the students on current drug trends in Erie County, and also introduced the “Applebee Pond” drug-free puppet curriculum.
PYD Club, Service, & Sports Fair
This year our Club, Service, & Sports Fair was a huge success! As extracurricular activities are such a huge protective factor, we were thrilled to showcase over 20 different opportunities for our youth to put their talents to good work in our community. Thank you to everyone who came and gave our students a great start to the school year!
Learn to Lead Academy
During the week of July 15-19th incoming 7th graders had the opportunity to build upon their leadership skills under the mentorship of current members of our PYD Club. Throughout the week, students engaged in activities emphasizing the importance of teamwork, mental health, leadership, and several other topics which will highlighted meaningful opportunities for them to lead in our school and community.
Project Homefront
On May 23rd, students of our EPIC Outreach hosted “Escape the Vape” night as part of Coalition Pathways’ Project Homefront. Visual aids and other informational handouts were provided for parents to distinguish between e-cigarette products and other common items. Coalition Pathways also spoke with students about common misconceptions surrounding e-cigarette products and their damaging effects on the developing brain. The night was complete with family games such as human hungry hungry hippos, ping-pong, and board games.
DEA Prescription TakeBack Day
On April 27, 2019 our coalition participated in the DEA Prescription TakeBack Day at Wesleyville and Lawrence Park Police Departments while handing out lockboxes funded by Erie County Drug and Alcohol Coalition. Thanks to the commitment of our law enforcement, coalition volunteers, and community members, a grand total of 17 pounds was collected and kept out of the hands of our youth!
Spread the Love Food Drive
During the week of Valentine’s Day, the students of our PYD Club held a non-perishable food drive throughout the high school. Because of the generosity of our community, 230 items were shared with the Wesley Church for their March food distribution. Thank you to everyone who helped us give back to our community!
Extracurricular activities are a huge protective factor for youth. After discussing this as a group, the students of our PYD Club chose to lead a a Club and Service Fair showcasing different opportunities for their peers to get involved and local community services which are available to them. The first day, January 3rd, targeted students in grades 10-12. The second day, January 4th, targeted students in grades 7-9. In total, 11 student clubs and 3 community organizations were able to attend. A huge thank you to everyone who participated!
On November 3rd, 2018, our coalition hosted the second annual Zombie Run at Iroquois Elementary School. Registrations from this one-mile race to benefit Red Ribbon Awareness. The National Red Ribbon Campaign is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of young people during Red Ribbon Week, October 23rd-31st each year. For more information visit .
To kickoff Fall and the start of the 2018-2019 academic year, members of the PYD Club hosted games prior to the home football game at Iroquois High School on September 28th, from 5:45-6:45pm. Those who participated in one round of our PYD 'Can-Jam' game and got their name in the drawing to win a PYD giveaway, including t-shirts, Frisbees, a custom Popsocket, an Iroquois coffee/to-go tumbler, and more!!!
This event will occur on May 22nd, 2018, from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the High School Auditorium. This event will consist of 90 minute program, designed to provide information on current dangerous drugs to prevent accidental exposure through routine contact. Agent Alan McGill will be our speaker for this event. Click here to view more information about this event and Agent McGill.
As we prepare for #Memorial Day weekend, remember that underage drinking is at a RECORD LOW. Let’s work to keep alcohol out of kids’ hands this summer. Never serve, supply or sell alcohol to anyone under the legal drinking age.
Zombie Run
Our 7th Annual Zombie Run will take place on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Please join us in scaring DRUGS out of our community. There will be vendor tables, face painting and so much more. The event will take place at 10am and is free of charge. Contact for more information.
DEA Prescription Take Back Day
On Saturday, April 27 from 10am-2pm we will be participating in the National Take Back Day. All community members are welcome to visit the Wesleyville or Lawrence Park Police Departments during that time to dispose of unused/unwanted/expired medications.
Wesleyville Community Day
On August 7th we joined Coalition Pathways at Wesleyville Community Day for some fun drug and alcohol prevention! Families were invited to take information and lockboxes to keep drugs out of the hands of our youth.
Build Up A Brave
On June 2nd, each student in our jr/sr high school received a personalized, hand-written letter of encouragement from a member of our staff, alumni, or community. The COVID-19 pandemic challenged our ability to connect, and consequently impacted our mental health. With this in mind, it was so important that our youth hear how much they matter to our community.
Pyramid Healthcare Webinar
On May 13th, Jessica LaFlamme, our SAP liaison from Pyramid Healthcare, presented on current drug trends in Erie County (PAYS Data), risk factors, laws, and available supports. Please visit our Facebook for the webinar recording.
Mental Health Awareness Week
The week of May 4th, students of PYD took part in Mental Health Awareness Week by hanging “tear away” posters throughout the school. These posters normalized mental health challenges and provided suggestions for coping with stress.
Youth Prevention Trainings
During the month of December, PYD Youth took part in several trainings led by Pyramid Healthcare. They learned about the harmful effects of substance abuse, studied our PAYS Data, and discussed ways to help our community overcome these challenges.
IES Red Ribbon Door Decorating Contest
Throughout Red Ribbon Week, students were challenged to show off their drug free spirit in a door decorating contest. Check out our Facebook to see the amazing, creative designs!
HALO Vape Detectors
On September 28th, #PYDONEFAMILY partnered with Communications Consulting, Inc. to install vape detectors throughout our high school restrooms. These devices monitor air quality including vape, THC, and other substances. Upon detection, they send alerts to our administrative team which allows us to address the issue immediately. These devices will help us to address the restrooms as a hotspot for adolescent substance use.
PYD Pancake Breakfast
On Sunday, March 8th our #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition held a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s to fundraise for our future coalition sustainability. We are pleased to say we raised over $500 in two hours! A huge thank you to all of our volunteers, donors, and Applebee’s for helping us make this event possible!
CADCA Leadership Forum
From February 2th-7th, members of our #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition (six students and three community leaders) had the opportunity to attend the CADCA National Leadership Forum in National Harbor, MD. The Forum included interactive coalition trainings, opportunities for networking, and opportunities to meet with staff from Congressman Kelly, Senator Casey, & Senator Toomey’s offices to advocate for substance abuse prevention.
Community Relationships: Substance Abuse Awareness & Prevention
On Monday, November 18th we were welcomed by Messiah Lutheran Church to discuss the activities of #PYDONEFAMILY and United Way throughout the Iroquois District. Mrs. Julia Boyd and Ms. Kerrie Grande lead the discussion. If you are a member of a congregation or organization and would like to hear more about what we do, we would be happy to meet you where you are! Please contact Julia Boyd at
Red Ribbon Week 2019
During Red Ribbon Week, both Iroquois Elementary School and Iroquois High School were sporting drug-free spirit! Both schools had a drug-free spirit week, drug free pledges during lunches, and door decorating contests. In this district, we say BOO to drugs!
Fall 2019 Youth Summit
On October 11th, students of our PYD Youth ventured to Penn State for their annual Youth Summit. This was a great opportunity for our them to network and brainstorm ways to positively impact our community in the upcoming year. Let us just say, we have great things in store!
Homecoming Bonfire
On October 2nd we showed our school spirit by bringing our backyard games to the Homecoming Bonfire. Go Braves!
Project Sticker Shock
On the weekend of August 23rd, we partnered with Erie Discount Beer and Penn Beer to spread awareness of social host law. Did you know that the penalties of providing alcohol to minors can include up to a year in jail and fines up to $2,500? Our hope is that by spreading awareness of these penalties, we can change perceptions within our community.
Outstanding Asset Building Community
On May 17th, the #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition was recognized as an Outstanding Asset Building School at the Penn State Behrend Youth Summit. In addition, two of our students were recognized as Youth Asset Builders. While our work as only just begun, a huge thank you goes out to the Susan Hirt Hagen Center for Community Outreach, Research, and Evaluation (CORE) for this recognition.
Charlie the Spaniard
On March 14th, our coalition sponsored Charlie the Spaniard, the world’s toughest lifelong learner. As a Spanish teacher turned MMA fighter then motivational speaker, Charlie was a huge inspiration to our students. He spoke to the high school about resilience, kindness, and the importance of making good choices. He also stressed the importance of reading.
CADCA Leadership Forum
From February 4th-8th, members of our #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition (four students and four community leaders) had the opportunity to attend the CADCA National Leadership Forum in National Harbor, MD. The Forum included interactive coalition trainings, opportunities for networking, and opportunities to hear several key speakers including the First Lady and the Surgeon General. Our Coalition was also honored as part of the San Antonio, Texas graduating class.
What better way to prepare for Christmas than to visit Santa and receive a goodie bag? Each year, this is a tradition kept alive by the LP Christmas Tree Fund and held dear to the hearts of many in our community. On December 14th, 2018 the students of our PYD Club were able to raise over $100 for the fund in one hour. While Christmas may come but once a year, the preparation for this event and others which benefit the community is year-round. If you would like to make a donation or find other ways to volunteer, please contact Mr. Rich Grimm at 814-572-7542.
On October 27th, 2018 our coalition supported the DEA’s National Prescription Take Back Day! This event is an opportunity for community members to discard all of expired and/or unused prescription drugs at one of our local Take Back boxes. Our locations include the Lawrence Park Police Department and the Wesleyville Borough Building. Unfortunately, 63% of people who abuse these drugs get them from a friend or relative. Help us better our community by participating!
At Iroquois' High School Open House on Wednesday September 12th, #PYDONEFAMILY gave out information on our PYD Student Club, new initiatives for this academic year, and handed out free PYD giveaway items!
On April 11th, 2018 at 6pm, Harbor Creek High School (6375 Buffalo Road, Harborcreek) presented a community conversation on the heroin epidemic and its impact on our community. Speakers included Jack Daneri, Erie County District Attorney, Lyell Cook, Erie County Coroner, Trooper Gary Knott, PA State Police Drug Recognition Expert, Dave Durfee, Father of a person who overdosed, and Dr. Wilson Brown, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Penn State Behrend. Hosts include Pat Toomey, Penn State Behrend, Lawrence Park Police Department, Harbor Creek High School, Fox 66, ad Jet 24.
Every Wednesday, during the students' tutorial period students are welcome to attend room 216 for an EPIC Outreach meeting (formerly called Lead and Seed) lead by Ms. Theresa Laird of Coalition Pathways. The group organizes events in the community to engage their peers and work against youth substance use by educating the student body and community on drug prevention, intervention, and general drug and alcohol education.
PYD Activity Fair
On October 5th and 6th all students of our Jr./Sr. High School are invited to attend our fair and connect with prosocial activities going on in our district. These include school clubs, sports, faith-based youth programs, and other resource tables.
Alcohol Awareness Month
In April, students of EPIC Outreach focused their efforts on Alcohol Awareness Month. They brought attention to the fact that 88,000 lives are lost each year in Pennsylvania due to alcohol-related accidents. They also encouraged their peers to make safe decisions and bring this number down.
Children’s Grief Awareness
During the week of November 19th, students participated in several activities in observance of Children’s Grief Awareness Day. PYD Youth posted daily announcements about grief awareness, hung posters in the school, and encouraged their peers to wear blue. Students were also invited to add a link to our “grief awareness chain,” which honored lost loved ones while symbolizing how many of us are connected by the experience of grief.
Active Minds Assembly
On October 29th and 30th, students in our junior and senior high took part in a virtual assembly focused on mental health awareness. Kai Roberts from the Active Minds Organization shared his powerful story through music and encouraged students to look inward on their own challenges and coping.
Virtual Learn to Lead Academy
Learn to Lead is a peer-mentoring program organized by the students of Positive Youth Development at Iroquois High School. Our goal is to welcome incoming 7th grade students to our building and encourage them to develop their own leadership style. Since we could not gather in person this year, our students prepared daily videos that were uploaded our FB page throughout the week of August 10-14th.
Family Paint Night
On February 20th we were privileged to have Ms. Devina Knight from Coalition Pathways lead our Family Paint Night. Students, families, and friends were taught how to paint and discussed the importance of family as a protective factor against substance abuse. Stay tuned for our next paint date!
Great American Smoke-Out
On December 6th, our students had the opportunity to team up with Tobacco Resistance Unit of Erie County & Erie Otters to take a stand against tobacco at the National Smoke-Out Night! They passed out tobacco education materials before the game, assisted with the tee-shirt toss, and boo-ed “Ciggy Butts” as he raced against Otto Otter. They also had the opportunity to meet some of the players and watch the game from a suite in the arena.
Children’s Grief Awareness Day
During the month of November, our PYD Youth became heroes of hope. They hung posters throughout the school, held a grief awareness table during all lunch shifts, and hosted a grief awareness workshop. At the workshop, students learned more about the Highmark Caring Place, played games which opened their eyes to the impact of grief, and concluded by practicing ways to show support to grieving peers. Finally, on November 21st our school joined many others around the world by wearing blue in support of grief awareness.🦋
DEA Prescription TakeBack Day
On October 26, 2019 our coalition participated in the DEA Prescription Take Back Day at Wesleyville Police Department while handing out lockboxes funded by Erie County Drug and Alcohol Coalition. Thanks to the commitment of our law enforcement, coalition volunteers, and community members, a grand total of 41.6 pounds was collected and kept out of the hands of our youth!
Applebee Pond Presentations
On October 21st, students of our EPIC Outreach ventured to Iroquois Elementary School to present the Applebee Pond Drug-Free Puppet Curriculum. Our younger students had the opportunity to learn about healthy choices, the difference between drugs and candy, and when to ask adults for help.
PYD Press Conference
On October 7th, #PYDONEFAMILY hosted the annual Press Conference to kickoff PYD Week. We were beyond proud to listen to Andres speak AND thrilled to see our Director, Maria Modzelewski honored as Asset Ambassador of the Year! Don’t forget that every one of us has the power to make a difference in the lives of our youth.
Family Paint Night
On September 25th we were privileged to have Ms. Devina Knight from Coalition Pathways lead our Family Paint Night. Students, families, and friends were taught how to paint and discussed the importance of family as a protective factor against substance abuse. Stay tuned for our next paint date!
Safe Harbor Vigil of Hope
On August 15th we joined the larger community of Erie County at Safe Harbor Behavioral Health for a Vigil of Hope. This night was a beautiful memorial for those who have lost their lives to substance abuse and an important reminder that this disease does not discriminate. Our work matters. Every life matters.
Wesleyville Day
On June 22nd the #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition partnered with Lake Erie Youth ROAD Crew to bring the Hidden In Plain Sight trailer to Wesley Days. We also be handed out coalition information and played can jam!
Prosocial Norms Campaign
In the weeks leading up to prom, our youth sector published four community billboards which targeted alcohol, marijuana, prescription medication, and e-cigarette abuse. All data came directly from our 2017 PAYS and supported the fact that substance abuse is NOT the norm in our district! For pictures, please visit our facebook page @PYDONEFAMILY.
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
On March 3rd, 2019, our #PYDONEFAMILY Coalition held a pancake breakfast to fundraise for our future Meals Matter Campaign and coalition sustainability. A huge thank you to all of our volunteers, donors, and Applebee’s for helping us make this event possible!
Coinciding with ONDCP and NIDA’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (January 22-27), students in IHS participated in a Drug and Alcohol Myth-busting Month sponsored by the PYD Club. Each day, students were given the opportunity to answer a trivia question about one of our grant’s focus substances. For each correct answer, students were given a small prize. After answering 5 questions correctly, students were given a chance at winning a PYD tee-shirt.
In conjunction with the Highmark Caring Place, our Jr./Sr. High PYD Student Club supported National Grief Awareness Day on November 15th, 2018. T Grief can be an isolating emotion, so our students seek to inform their school and community that many people have lost a loved one, and that it’s okay to talk about it. This year, the PYD Students allowed every student an opportunity to honor a lost loved one by giving everyone a butterfly, which they can write a message to or a name of a person they are grieving or have grieved. Like the Caring Place, our students displayed the butterflies on a tree as a symbol of hope for our youth who have lost a loved one.
Our PYD Student Club in the Jr./Sr. High hosted a week long campaign in support of Red Ribbon Week from October 22nd through 26th, the nation’s largest campaign working to spread awareness on the dangers of drug use, and the benefits of living drug-free! Students joined us during all lunch shifts to answer questions about drug abuse and were also able to pledge to be drug-free by signing their names on a ribbon to be hung on our tree of life!
On August 7th, Wesleyville Borough and local businesses/organizations committed to bring back the National Night Out for our Wesleyville and Lawrence Park citizens! described the night as "... an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances."
#PYDONEFAMILY will have a float in the July 4th parade. Join us at 2pm on Main Street.